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Lisa Beth Robinson

Lisa Beth Robinson

Lisa Beth Robinson Mixed media artist & poet East Carolina University Greenville, North Carolina | USA

Shona Paterson

Shona Paterson

Shona Paterson Global Challenges Research Fellow Brunel University London | UK @Bruneluni #absolutelybrunel

Kristin Thielking

Kristin Thielking

Kristin Thielking Sculptor & Artist University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point Madison | USA

Hester Whyte

Hester Whyte

Hester Whyte Director, Science Communication & outreach CoastalMatters Ltd Netherlands | UK @CoastalMatters

Martin Le Tissier

Martin Le Tissier

Martin Le Tissier Director, CoastalMatters Ltd Climate and Marine Environmental Research UK | Ireland

Mrill Ingram

Mrill Ingram

Mrill Ingram Participatory Action Research Scientist CIAS, University of Wisconsin-Madison Madison | USA

A bit more about us

Lisa Beth Robinson

Mixed media artist & poet


Lisa Beth is the proprietor of Somnambulist Tango Press where she makes artists books, fine art, and collaborative chapbooks and broadsides. Robinson is a mixed-media artist who is transforming materials physically and psychologically in the pursuit of understanding the idea of reading alongside interpersonal, environmental relationships and their global impact. Her media include handmade paper, printmaking, fused glass, and letterpress printing. She serves as an associate professor at East Carolina University in Greenville, North Carolina, teaches workshops around the US, and served on the national board of the College Book Art Association. Her degrees are from the Johnston Center at the University of Redlands and the University of Wisconsin-Madison and residencies include the Penland School of Craft, Haystack Mountain School of Craft, and the Jentel Foundation.

Shona Paterson

Global challenges research fellow


Shona is a Global Challenges Research Fellow at Brunel University

London. Her transdisciplinary research is currently centred on global flood risk and

resilience and is driven by international frameworks such as the UN 2030 Agenda and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction. She has extensive experience in the Caribbean, the Americas, and the UK where her research has focussed on numerous interlinked areas including coastal resource management, climate adaptation and adaptive capacity in urbanising coastal areas, governance and social justice, and the society-policy-practice nexus. She has spent her working career building partnerships and knowledge exchange networks with local communities, stakeholders, and decision-makers to achieve mutually beneficial social and ecological goals, most recently as part of the Future Earth Coast International Project Office (

Kristin Thielking

Sculptor & artist


University profile page


Kristin is from Long Island, NY and received a BA in Fine Art and Comparative Literature from Brown University, RI and an MFA in Sculpture from University of Wisconsin, Madison. She has taught sculpture at the University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point since 2001 and has also at the Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design, University of Wisconsin, Madison and Penland School of Crafts. Kristin has exhibited and presented on her work widely. Interdisciplinary collaboration is at the root of her practice and she has a special interest in working with language as a material and work that inspires dialogue about the state of the environment and environmental stewardship. She has been commissioned to design and fabricate numerous large-scale public art projects including permanent and temporary site-specific installations and sculptural design commissions: Wisconsin Percent for Arts commission for the Waukesha State Office Building, Marshfield Clinic, Marshfield, Wisconsin, Milwaukee’s Third Ward Arts Walk, Dubuque River Walk, Iowa, Bank of Wausau, Wisconsin, University of Indianapolis, Indiana, Magee-Gerrer Museum of Art in Oklahoma, Olbrich Botanical Gardens, Madison, WI

Hester Whyte

Communications & outreach


Hester has 18 years’ work experience in science communication and dissemination, and in office and project management. She has worked on several EU-funded coastal management and climate change projects designing (mainly web-based) education and information materials. Outside Europe she has worked with regional coastal management projects in Egypt, Lebanon, Turkey and St. Lucia. A main focus has been on project outreach and distance learning tools - web-based as well as in print- for audiences ranging from higher education students to EU coastal policy makers. Her most recent work is in a communication, dissemination & outreach capacity for Climate Ireland ( and until December 2018 for the Future Earth Coast International Project Office ( which was based at MaREI, the SFI Research Centre for Energy, Climate and Marine, Environmental Research Institute at University College Cork. And now working on the SDG4IIII – Identifying Interactions for SDG Implementation in Ireland project where she leads the coordination of the design and implementation of knowledge products and is responsible for all communication and outreach activities.

Mrill Ingram

Writer, editor & geographer



Personal website


Read my article in The Progressive on Catching a wave

Based in Madison Wisconsin, Mrill’s scholarship focuses on environmental art, human-nonhuman relationships, narrative-networks, sustainable agriculture and environmental policy. As a participatory actions researcher at the University of Wisconsin, her work is dedicated to improving public participation in academic research. She has a Ph.D. in Geography from the University of Arizona, and is co-author of "The Power of Narrative in Environmental Networks," from MIT Press on the role of narrative in sustaining social movements and marginalized communities. She is currently collaborating with an international group of artists and scientists on the development of a series of site-specific installations that communicate research about sea level rise, ocean health, and the United Nation's SDG goal #14: Life Below Water. As a geographer she has published on art and ecological restoration, microbial biopolitics in food safety, alternative farmer networks in the U.S., and the making of US federal organic regulations. She was, previously, website editor for The Progressive magazine, Associate Director on the Gaining Ground Project with the Farley Center for Peace, Justice and Sustainability, editor of the journal "Ecological Restoration," and curator for the media company Upworthy. 

Martin Le Tissier

Research fellow IRELAND


Martin is a research fellow at MaREI, the SFI Research Centre for Energy, Climate and Marine, Environmental Research Institute at University College Cork and till recently the Executive Director of the Future Earth Coasts core project of Future Earth which was housed at MaREI over the last three years. He has 25 over years’ consultancy, research and field experience in coastal management, marine spatial planning, adaptation to climate change, training and capacity-building and coral reef systems (including assessment and monitoring of natural and anthropogenic disturbances, reef restoration). Martin’s work has a strong focus on education and professional training with institutional development. He has practical experience to develop capacity building and institutional strategic responses to adaptation to climate change, coastal development and management, as well as developing and implementing participatory approaches to developing coastal resources and livelihoods. He has worked for a wide range of international agencies (e.g. DfID UK, EU, IUCN, Netherlands Government, UNESCO, World Bank), research bodies (e.g. Royal Society, Natural Environmental Research Council, Economic and Social Sciences Research Council), and industry (e.g. Maritime Insurance industry, Dept. Trade & Industry, UK, ERM, Atkins). He has also been involved in a number of Interreg, FP6, FP7 and other EU funded programmes (e.g. SMAP, Asia Link, EU-Aid). His current work is on an EPA funded project SDG4IIII - Identifying Interactions for SDG Implementation in Ireland.

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