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EDITED BY : Tymon Zielinski, Karen Evans, Jan J.C. Seys and Anabela Carvalho

PUBLISHED IN : Frontiers in Environmental Science and Frontiers in Marine Science

FEATURING: Examining the Potential of Art-Science Collaborations in the Anthropocene: A Case Study of Catching a Wave | Shona K. Paterson, Martin Le Tissier, Hester Whyte, Lisa B. Robinson, Kristin Thielking, Mrill Ingram and John McCord

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Editorial on the Research Topic

Marine Observations and Society: Pathways to Improve Public Engagement and the Science- Policy Nexus

Climate change, and the resulting global warming and acidification of the ocean is causing change to marine environments (United Nations, 2017; IPCC 2021) with serious implications for global ecosystems, food security and ocean economies (Allison and Bassett 2015; Pörtner et al., 2019). To ensure a sustainable future for all, there is a need to understand these changes and their impacts on the provision of services from the marine environment. This will also require the identification of knowledge gaps and the capacity needed to develop effective and sustained ocean observation systems that support the development of relevant responses (Evans et al., 2019; Wisz et al., 2020).

Improved societal understanding of the services provided by the ocean, and how humans affect the ocean are at the core of the development and implementation of sustainable decision-making and is particularly important within the context of achieving the globally agreed sustainability targets of the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development (Kelly et al., 2021). In order to shift current decision making and policy development to frameworks where the ocean and the services it provides to humans are considered at every step, universal understanding across all aspects of society is needed (Wisz et al., 2020). This will require multiple approaches and strategies, tailored to individuals, sectors and regions that incorporate many disciplines, methods and technologies as many of the papers in this special issue highlight. 


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